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Off-Topic / Re: How to remove a report that's not me?
« Last post by USHost247 on July 23, 2020, 01:18:47 AM »
If you send me a message, I can search your information to see a report and can assist you by telling you what domain/company has the report on you.
FraudRecord Technical Support / UX question in WHMCS
« Last post by UnReal on July 13, 2020, 03:24:51 PM »
Is there supposed to be a 'button' in WHMCS to report a client when we discover they are fraudulent or involved with ToS violating activity?

We generally give clients the benefit of the doubt.  So once it is known for sure that their intent was criminal we terminate them, and at that time I would like to report them with substantiating evidence of their violation to FraudRecord.  But it's kind of a pain to have to go to each time and key in their attributes manually when they're already in WHMCS.
by providing feed back.

What feedback did you provide?
Just to add some follow up pictures
I ordered hosting through a company called - I don't think I actually "used" their hosting - I did some testing when I ordered an account 2 years ago, but nothing much after that.  Essentially, I paid for 2 full years and canceled about 2 weeks prior to the 3rd year coming up due.  I got a confirmation from them that my account would be cancelled at the end of the billing cycle. Needless to say, I got charged $19.99 and they only refunded me back $17.99 saying that they can't refund what they didn't have.  I completely understand getting a partial refund due to how Paypal does their fees now - but don't try to pull something over one me.

Yes, it's $2.00 - I could careless about the $2.00 - but don't sit there and lie to my face about how much you paid in fees.

I posted a review on Serchen about them and how they shortchanged me on the refund - was after I got the refund of $17.99 and before they issues the difference of $0.61 - They then comment back on my review saying they refunded the full amount as if they did nothing wrong.  After they made their comment, they posted in my support thread that they were going to report me to FraudRecord.
Billing System Integration & Development / WooCommerce integration
« Last post by mnwd on April 12, 2020, 03:36:59 PM »
Hey, is there a way to integrate this into WooCommerce?
FraudRecord Technical Support / Re: Duplicate entry 'XXXXXXX' for key 'PRIMARY'
« Last post by 75global on March 24, 2020, 06:24:44 AM »
Thanks Harzem, everything is working again!  :)
FraudRecord Technical Support / Re: Duplicate entry 'XXXXXXX' for key 'PRIMARY'
« Last post by harzem on March 24, 2020, 05:25:31 AM »
Are you still getting the error?
FraudRecord Technical Support / Re: Duplicate entry 'XXXXXXX' for key 'PRIMARY'
« Last post by harzem on March 24, 2020, 04:39:25 AM »
Our datacenter just had a migration of all servers to new machines. Everything was recreated on new server instances. Let me check what went wrong and get it fixed.
FraudRecord Technical Support / Duplicate entry 'XXXXXXX' for key 'PRIMARY'
« Last post by 75global on March 23, 2020, 11:44:21 PM »

We are getting the following error when checking for matches:


Duplicate entry 'XXXXXXX' for key 'PRIMARY'

File: /home/admin/web/
Line: 283

Anyone else getting the same?
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